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Time to review my April and May 2014 goals.
Goal #1: Become a morning person.
I’m not a sleep-in-until-noon type of person, but I have my occasional oops-i-overslept kind of days. And they are soo embarrassing. I admire morning people like none other. How do they do it? I guess I’ll try to find out.
Result: Total fail. I’m not a morning person, and I would be a grumpy sleep deprived person if I woke up at 5AM each morning. On second thought, I don’t care so much about being a morning person as much as getting a sufficient amount of sleep each night and waking up in time to be ready to attend my next day’s activities.
Goal #2: Clean my closet and other trouble areas.
My goal is to have a home for everything in my home. Time for some spring cleaning.
Result: Success! Closet and home cleaned. I think the next focus should be getting our yard cleaned up and maybe painting the outside of our house.
Goal #3: Get outside.
I’m itching for an outdoor adventure. Time to plan out our trip to Alaska and block out weekends for camping trips this summer.
Result: Success! We’ve been carving out our weekends for tons of outdoor time. We hiked Mount Baden-Powell and Timber Mountain, attempted Gorgonio, visited the Bristlecone Pine Forest and Zion National Park, and most recently, spent a week backpacking Lake Clark National Park in Alaska.
I’m going to take a break from goals for June and resume back up with July & August 2014 goals.