Yesterday, we headed up to the Rose Bowl Flea Market, which is held on the 2nd Sunday of every month. We decided to head over early since we were searching for some things to decorate the house and heard that most of the good stuff is sold early. We arrived at around 7:15AM, and the entry fee was $15 a person. It was nice to shop around before the crowds hit the flea market.
We had so much fun looking around at all the interesting trinkets and knick knacks. The weather was cooperative, and it wasn’t blazing hot as it usually is in Pasadena. I thought I’d share our finds from this weekend.
Our first purchase was this antique chandelier/lamp. It can be either apparently. It has crystal chains and is so unique. The lady selling the lamp said the lamp was her mom’s, and she had three of them. The lady kept two, and she sold this one.
Our next purchase was this handmade wooden mirror. The guy on the right made it, which is pretty neat since I love supporting local vendors. The guy had stepped away when we walked by the mirror, and he left his son in charge. The kid was probably 13, and we were able to bargain the mirror down pretty low.
We were on a roll after the chandelier and mirror. We bought this adorable painting inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. It makes me so happy.
Kristen saw this yellow chest dresser smiling at her, and she picked it up. I want one for myself! It is so adorable in her new place.
Finally, we picked up this drum coffee table. I’ve been loving the style of drum tables lately, so I was so excited to spot one at the flea market. It is perfect for our library seating area.
Admittedly, we got a little flea market happy.