if you met yourself would you like yourself?
isn’t that a weird thought? i found myself thinking about that while driving to work today. on several ocassions i’ve found myself wondering this. sometimes with other people, sometimes by myself.
as a whole, i believe people should like themselves if they met another person that was them. because otherwise, wouldn’t they be a complete hypocrite?
i’d like to hope that if i met myself, i would like myself.
that sounds conceited. i didn’t mean it that way.
i hate it when i’m listening to a song in the car, and the song, in its distant background, has some form of a siren sound. that always confuses me. i never notice it when i’m listening to it anywhere else except when i’m in the car.
RAVE// katie’s birthday was fun. it was nice seeing people. 🙂
RANT// it’s been pretty smoggy lately. gross.