a glimpse at college life.
[x]wearing sunglasses at night.
[x]high on life.
i love these girls.
this is allie and sara. sara is a biomedical engineering major like me. we celebrate solving calculus problems by skipping through the halls. allie plays guitar in the hall and is super cool. she thinks kristen and i are weird when we get into our food highs at the cafeteria.
this is jenny. she is a tri-delt and my rushing buddy. she owns the biggest pair of sunglasses ever.diamonds are forever.
this is stefanie. she is from austria and has a sexy european accent. on move in day she taught me how to raise my bed. yesterday was her birthday. 🙂 happy 19th birthday!
this is lucy. she is my big sis. she is super sweet and nice. i love her so much.
this is chelsea. she is from missouri and practically lives in our room. i have a secret obsession with her butt, and she stalks kristen. she was the first person i ever met at usc. lots of random stuff happens to her. it makes me laugh. her mom makes yummy cookies and sends them to her and i end up eating all her food.
this is kristen again. she is the best roommate ever. she owns lots of cool electronics that she calls her babies. we like to pretend we own a horse that ocassionally gets stolen from the bike rack, and we randomly burst into laughter for no particular reason.
i finally explored L.A. for the first time last night. lucy drove kristen, chelsea, and i to the grove, and we went shopping and watched 40 year old virgin. it was funny. 🙂 we all got lots of jewelery (including matching necklaces). thank you so much for driving us lucy!
i think usc is so pretty. i want to spend a day just going around campus taking pictures.
RAVE// free kanye west and maroon 5 concert!
RANT// it’s been kind of cold lately.