the real college checklist.
forget laptops and extra long twin bedding. they should have college sweatshirts as a must on the lists they print out for college freshmen.
i got my first usc sweatshirt the other day at the super crowded (but efficient) usc bookstore. everyone’s getting one… haha.
my first day of class
today was my first day of class. i had three classes: chemistry, calc, and intro to multimedia literacy.
chemistry is held in a huge auditorium, but it is a morning class so the auditorium isn’t even close to being filled. the class seems intense (especially the labs). we have a four hour lab every friday. yuck!
i was asking one of my chem professors about what a lab notebook was, and he actually went into his office and gave me a free one. how cool.
my calc teacher has the cutest british accent ever. i just want to hug it. he seems like he’s going to be a really good teacher, and my class isn’t too big at all.
my intro to multimedia literacy class is a fifteen minute walk off campus. it is past the row. part of the walk is actually a little freaky, so i made instant friends with my fellow IML kids, and we form mini packs and walk back together.
RAVE// i’m getting into snail mail. send me some love notes.
RANT// i miss guppy (my car).