today was a wear-a-skirt kind of day. makes me want to go take a walk at the beach or spend a day in the park feeding ducks. (even though we really aren’t supposed to.)
waking up for zero period wasn’t so bad. music mades me happy. i felt so immersed in it today.
had golden spoon for lunch. with lots of colorful rainbow sprinkles. matched my mood.
swim practice with court. <3 we swam our hearts out today. time to get in shape for swim season.
came home from swim practice just in time to see the sunset from my front yard. so so beautiful. makes me wish i could watch the sun set everyday. but maybe seeing it less makes it more beautiful. more breathtaking.
i wonder if all things are like that.
listening to juliana theory makes me happy.
RAVE// water. i love water.
RANT// econ makes me dizzy.