i’m not an outdoors girl.
asb camping was so much fun, but any longer than 3 days and 2 nights, and i probably wouldn’t be able to take it any more.
sleeping in a tent was a fun experience and i’d love to do it again (even in my backyard), but the ground will never compare to my bed.
sitting outside in lawn chairs for hours just chatting helped me get to know everyone in asb so much better, but the heat seriously knocks you out after awhile.
the dirt, the bugs, the heat. i never knew how much going on camping trips help you realize what you’ve taken for granted all your life.
the place we camped at was in the middle of a desert. it was such a nice campsite with waterslides and nearby bathrooms, but it was unbelievably hot. i came home, and for the first time sincerely appreciated our weather here. it was a beautiful day out, and i asked my sister what she thought of the weather. she said it was hot. hot? ha. camp in the desert for a few days. 😛 i guess i would have said that it was hot too if i hadn’t been out camping.
taking a shower while camping has almost zero purpose except for making you feel better for a few minutes. the second you walk out of the shower, dust begins to stick to your feet and as it rises, you are once again covered with dust. for the first time in three days, i genuinely feel clean and it feels oh so good. i am such a clean freak.
highlights of our camp out:
+ running through the sprinklers with jessica.
+ listening to eddie explain cute vs. hott. and then beautiful.
+ playing mafia. five times. trusting nahal. and then feeling defeated. being an innocent towns person every single time with jody. getting killed off by mrs. graves.
+ the waterslides. making a seven-person chain. slamming into patrick. laughing so hard i thought i was going to cry. getting yelled at by the lifeguard. watching a seven year old boy slap everyones butt, including mine. violated.
+ sleeping in a tent.
+ singing back here by BBmak with kim and denise while danny played guitar.
+ listening to creepy ghost stories with ben.
+ bus ride home with nahal, dani, and kim.
i loved getting to know everyone in asb better and listening to everyones great ideas. i really hope that we put all these ideas into good use and make a difference this year.
RAVE// i’m addicted to strawberry lemonade! yum. especially from TGIFriday’s and Souplantaion.
RANT// scissors our fish died. boo. thank goodness for 15 day guarantees.