the weekends
i think i lose myself during the weekends. sometimes i feel like i’m two different people during the week and during the weekends. i wish i could just freeze in the moment and escape from all this stress.
i love
+ spending entire days not knowing what i’m really going to be doing and having everything turn out perfect anyway.
+ february because of the three day weekends.
+ the moment right after it rains when i just feel like soaking in every ounce of the sun.
+ talking on the phone past any sense of sanity and then falling asleep smiling.
+ looking at pictures and remembering good times.
+ watching fish swim.
+ coincidences.
+ swimming after having a terrible day and coming out of the pool seeing things from an entirely different perspective.
+ knowing all the words to songs even though i can’t remember who sings it or what the song is called.
RAVE// i love souplantation.
RANT// i miss three day weekends 🙁