i love titanium
yeah. i know. i’m a freak, huh? but all those nights spent cussing at the Ti website and modules have actually payed off! i’m getting an A in chem! 😀 omg yay! and it’s all thanks to good ole titanium. now. if i could actually get someone to help me understand how to predict the products, i can cling on to this A and all its happiness forever. 🙂
i’m feeling better 🙂
shockingly. i think the flu virus has given up and is slowly packing up to move on to its next victim. finally! whew. but i still have this horrible cough that makes me look like a smoker. hmmph.
RAVE// i’m feeling lively! i’m feeling free. 🙂
RANT// but don’t make me laugh. i might loose control and fall over from loss of oxygen.