every time I think of college… i become anxious, stressed, and slightly depressed. it’s not the actual thinking about being there that makes me feel this way, but more like the getting there. for years.. my parents, counslers, and family have been pushing me to aim for the highest that can possibly be reached, and every time they mention it, all i can think is that it isn’t possible. How can i get into a top university.. if i feel so dumb? my SAT scores.. my GPA… school, friends, extra-curricular activities… how do those people balance them all? and still end up getting that perfect 1600 on their SATs.. PERFECT GPA while playing three different sports and being the president of several clubs. where do they find those extra hours in a day? As my Junior year approaches… i feel as if i have wasted my sophomore year. (aparently one of the most important years of high school according to my parents ::sigh::) questions like “why couldn’t i have tried harder?” or “why couldn’t i have studied more?” constantly run through my head. The pressure is building up and school hasn’t even started yet. I try to take a more positive approach to the coming school year.. as i try to every year, but somehow this year.. it’s not working. instead, college is looming over my head and haunting me.
RAVE// relient k – in love with the 80’s
RANT// i feel sick.