my spring break in a flash
//friday kaiser & anger management w/ katie, jessie, and evan
//saturday swim practice & chillin’ with court
//sunday mall with sammie
//monday swim practice & movies and brunch with court and meg B.
//tuesday swim practice & mall with sara
//wednesday GINA’S BIRTHDAY! swim practice & home depot & movie night @ mi casa with erich, zelle, katie, katie m, steph, andy, sarno, scott, court, and barb & katie sleptover
//thursday katie and i watch the fast and the furious that i borrowed from sarno (thanx!) & JoAnn’s
//friday gina’s party: ruby’s (seat cover wars), kokomo’s (*save meeeh*), and sleepover with sara, sam, ani, mimi, jen, and connie
//saturday slept at 7 am.. didn’t wake up until 1 pm…attempted to buy spirited away and went out to eat din with my mommy..too tired to go to bon fire with yushi, david han, tim, jay, dooda, and all…
what I learned during spring break
* the guys at kokomo’s are mostly… one of not all of the following: ugly, perverted, and mex
* waking up early for morning practice makes the day seem a MILLION times longer 🙂
* it’s possible to go to bed at 7:30 in the morning cause you were talking all night
* easter = candy!!
* oliver james is HOTT well.. actually i already knew that.. but i decided to put that in cause i watched what a girl wants again this spring break 😛
* the sun doesn’t love me.. cause it wouldn’t come out so i could go to the beach..
* ghirardeli vanilla ice cream = heaven.. ::sigh:: gina.. i’mma go out and get some of that yummy ice cream!!