today all high school sophomores in cali took the exit exam that determines whether or not you will graduate from high school. the test was so boring.. and the whole time during the mulitple choice for english..i was like *zzzz..*, but watever. they managed to pack more than half of the sophomores into the gym, which was pretty surprising.. but it took FOREVER to get into the gym.. and FOREVER to finally start the test.. and of course.. FOREVER to leave.. haha.. i’m impatient. 😛 and after the test i went to fourth period spanish, where they were watching Lord of the Rings.. and zelle and i fell asleep. felt nice 🙂 i never fall asleep in class too! ^_^
RAVE// no morning practice OR zero tomorrow YEY! i get sleep.. possibly 😉
RANT// our first swim meet is tomorrow! waH! no one laugh!