you missed out!
lol! swim practice was fun today 🙂 We were given belts connected with a rubber cord tied to the wall and were told to swim as far as we could with the rubber cord pulling us back to the wall. It was funny cause we’d be swimming along and then all the sudden we’d reach the end of the cord and we’d be stuck their waving our arms trying to get to the other side of the pool, but getting nowhere… and then all the sudden we’d give up and turn around and shoot back to the wall. =D haha fuN stuff. We were all like fighting over who went next.. LOL! its like bungee jumping… but horizontally.. xP
my mom got pissed at me today for jumping when she walked into the room. I swear.. i need a doorbell or something outside my door because every single time someone walks in i like freak out because they scare me. but it’s so NOT my fault! i mean.. i don’t plan this out so every time my mom walks in I jump.. why the monkeys would i want to do that?? so anyway.. she got all pissed at me and stormed outta my room.. i’m like ok mommy.. = i hate being easily startled.. it pisses off my MOM! gr… what a stoopid reason for someone to get pissed off at you for.
RAVE// CSF Knott’s tomorrow! 🙂
RANT// I’m so freaking tired! zzzz… sleep deprived..