yay! i’m so excited about sadies 🙂 i’m going with james. i’m so happy that a lotta people are going to sadies this year! its gonna be so much fun! 😛
cheers to…
court & scott
meg & alex
sara & russell chan
jenn & tim
steph & ryan m.
katie m. & matt
katie & alden
zelle & aaron h.
sarah dada & anup
erin & brian (sarno) xP
jen & her cute hockey fanatic
.. if ur not up here.. IM me and tell me! i’ll put ya up!
we live in the locker room…
its so crazy how much time the swim team spends in the locker room and the pool! it feels like i’m at camp. LOL! since we practically only go home to eat, sleep, and do homework. haha…
why swim rules
1.) you get a workout in the morning:)
2.) you’re always clean
3.) you get to get ready in the morning with your friends
4.) you’re energized for the rest ob the day
5.) you don’t get shoe tans!! (or short tans!!)
why swim sux
1.) you smell like chlorine 24/7.. no matter how many showers you take…
2.) your skin gets all dry from the chlorine
3.) you get weird tans
4.) you have to get ready in the locker room
5.) you have to swim.. even when its like freezing ice cold
RAVE// yaay! my computer is fix-ed! thank you james =D
RANT// doh! i tried to install my printer without it being on.. how retarded of me!