whoa! that was the first week ob school?.. it feels like we’ve been in school forever. everything suddenly felt so routine after the first day.. sit in class.. pretend to listen.. bell rings.. repeat six times and then go home and do homework from the classes that you pretended to listen in. ::sigh:: i swear.. it never ends. and i’m so sick of it!
winter formal
yay! i’m going to winter formal 🙂 scott asked me on wednesday. haha. yes! something to look forward to.. something to smile about while studying for finals ::bleh:: it was so messed, my group was originally planning on renting an excursion limo that fits 22 people comfortably.. so that added up to something around $140 per person.. freaking $280 per couple.. sheeit! dats a lot! I talked them outta it.. but still.. i can’t believe limos are so freaking expensive.. gahhhh!
<3 amy (my chink school buddy) and <3 edmund thanx fer linking meh!
RAVE// winter formal 🙂
RANT// sleep.. i need more sleep.